British Columbia Tribute Event - FREE Virtual Tour Event
In appreciation of all the fan love we've experienced across the great province of British Columbia, we would like to invite everyone to join us for a FREE Virtual Hunting Film Tour Premier! The show will be streaming between June 10th and June 19th, 2022. Enjoy our two hour conservation minded, fair chase hunting film filled with awesome stories and breathtaking cinematography!
Tickets will be available online through the Hunting Film Tour website, simply click on the Event, select a ticket, checkout and the system will email you a FREE e-ticket with a link that will be live for the specified show time. The films are available for streaming on the device of your choice.
Everyone that downloads a ticket and enjoys the Event will be entered into a draw for a bunch of awesome prizes compliments of our great partner! A gift certificate for a Sitka Gear Jetsream jacket/Mountain pant combo, zip up hoodies, Kenetrek gaiters, DU custom calls/flashlights/flasks/coozies, Vortex T's and caps, Vortex rangefinder and more!!
We hope you are having an amazing spring in the bear and turkey woods. Wishing all the best to you and your family, enjoy the summer! We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you back at the theatres soon!