Dallas, TX - Texas Wildlife Association
The Texas Wildlife Association would like to invite you to join us for the Hunting Film Tour Premier in Dallas, Texas at the YETI Store! The show will be on Thursday October 6th, 2022. Enjoy our two hour conservation minded, fair chase hunting film filled with awesome stories and breathtaking cinematography!
Tickets will be available online through the Texas Wildlife Association website. Tickets will be $50 and will include the movies, popcorn, soda and a sweet Yeti rambler! All proceeds will support the Texas Wildlife Association.
Everyone that attends the event be entered into a draw for some great door prizes compliments of the Texas Wildlife Association, the Hunting Film Tour and all of our great Partners! Sitka Gear pant & jacket combo, Kenetrek gaiters, Vortex Optics and swag, DU flask/flashlight/duck calls/coozies and Wild Sheep Foundation caps and decals. There is a ton of great stuff! The lucky winning names will be drawn at the event!
Wishing you all best from the Texas Wildlife Association and the Hunting Film Tour. We appreciate your continued support of conservation in the great state of Texas!